Restoring the braking, suspension or steering systems on your classic, vintage or muscle car may not be the most visual or glamorous part of the makeover, however it is vital to the safety of your passengers, yourself and other road users as well as extending the longevity of your vehicle.

Worn brake pads leave the driver with little or no stopping power and generates large quantities of heat. The heat can destroy other components such as brake lines, wheel bearings, rotors and calipers. Being vigilant can avoid costly repairs down the line. At the first sign of any of the above issues, have the problem checked and order the required parts

A classic, vintage or muscle car that is mechanically sound, doesn’t have loose steering, wear patterns on its tyres or vibrate madly whilst driving at speed on the freeway will give you the confidence to drive it more frequently.

Failure, of any one of these components, can lead to at the least poor driving performance and at worst, physical damage to your vehicle or those that you love. Your vehicle’s suspension system at peak condition, smooths out the vehicle ride and allows you to maintain effective control of your vehicle.
Common suspension and steering issues include;
- Tyres wearing unevenly
- Your vehicle pulling to one side
- A crooked steering-wheel
- Unstable ride
- Reduced control
When they are worn or not fitted correctly, the following issues may arise
- Loss of grip when braking
- A brake pedal that feels soft, spongy and doesn’t sit correctly
- A steering wheel that shudders while under brakes
- Squeals, screeches and high-pitched noises when breaking
- Your car takes longer to stop than normal
Rare Parts provides a large selection of aftermarket parts to suit most makes and models, such as;
- Transmission components and shifters
- Speedo cables
- Speedo drive gears
- Speedo housing
- Accelerator/pedal pads
- Steering components
- Steering column covers
- Tie rod ends
- Ball joints
Rare Parts staff can advise on your requirements and we carry the following components to suit a majority of vehicles
- Brake components – shoes, pads
- Master cylinders
- Wheel cylinders
- Hand brake cables – front, intermediate and rear
- Brake hoses
- Fitting kits
- Brake light switches
- Decals